Events and activities


Get more information about biology guild’s events, like parties, from Syntaksis ry’s official Facebook-group and from the biology student’s e-mail list called Bilsa-lista.


The sport turns are free for all the members of the biology guild.

You can join the guild’s sport-turn Whatsapp-group here.

MONDAY 19.40-20.40 YA3 Norssi*
TUESDAY (Ultimate) 19.15-20.30 Koskela primary school
THURSDAY 19.45-20.45 YA3 Norssi*

You’re welcome even though you haven’t played floorball earlier or don’t have your own floorball stick: other players teach the rules and you can borrow stick from some other player visiting in the turn. But remember to take your own running shoes and other sport clothes!

*Norssi: The gym of the high school called Norssi (Oulun normaalikoulun yläaste), which is located at Linnanmaa (the red building at the end of the Yliopistonkatu), almost next to the main campus.
(Address: Kaitoväylä 7, 90570 Oulu).